
ООО Зорачка Софт

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ООО Зорачка Софт

Zorachka is a developer of video software solutions and hardware products on the mission to create the best Hi-Tech devices and applications for Smart Home.  
Zorachka’s project and the only video surveillance system on the market with multiple user access. Based on just a $400 server, it can connect 20 cameras and give access up to 300 users to connect to different parts of history seamlessly, while the strongest competitors can connect just 2 cameras and 2 users on the same server.  
Zorachka’s second project which provides video technologies for streaming and storing video. The Verona platform allows to save up to 500% bandwidth without the loss of quality and extra load on the hardware in comparison with the Apple’s HLS. HOVSP protocol by ZK gives access to truly live video with only a 0.14 sec delay, encryption and support of all major features. 
Zorachka Smart Home 
The first product in the Smart Home line is home camera Homam. Practically the only camera that can provide high-quality video recording and playback, as well as user experience. It is fully protected against hacker attacks and CDN leaks. This is one of the main devices on the way to creating a Really Smart Home.

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